
Online Games Port Unofficial (Philippines)

Games TCP UDP CrossFire PH  10009, 13008, 16666, 28012  16666:9110   12020-12080  13000-13080  13006:10008 Point Blank  39100, 39110, 39220, 39190,  49100   12020-12080  13000-13080  13006:10008 Counter Strike  36567:8001  8001 Special Force 2  27932:27935  30002:30020 League of Legends   Patcher and  Maestro  8393:8400  PVP.NET  2099, 5223, 5222   Spectator  8088    Game Client  5000:5500 Dota 2   Dedicated Server   27015 through 28999  27015 through 27030   (incoming, for In-Home  Streaming)   27036 and 27037   Dedicated or Listen Servers  27015 (SRCDS Rcon  port)  In Game   27015-27050  Client of Dota 2  27005  27015 through  27030   Steam Client  (Game client  traffic)  27000 to 27015  (Typically  Matchmaking  and HLTV)  27015 to 27030  (incoming, for  In-Home  Streaming)   27031 and 27036  4380   Steamworks P2P  Networking and  Steam Voice  Chat   (Outbound)  3478  4379  4380 Soldier Fro

USB Unhide vbScript

' --- KON-BOOT USB INSTALLER ------------------------------- ' (c) ' USB Unhide modified ' ---------------------------------------------------------- Dim query Dim WMBIObj Dim AllDiskDrives Dim SingleDiskDrive Dim AllLogicalDisks Dim SingleLogicalDisk Dim AllPartitions Dim Partition Dim result Dim textmsg Dim wshShell Dim FileObj Dim Counter Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") set FileObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set wshShell = wscript.createObject("") Set WMBIObj = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") Set AllDiskDrives = WMBIObj.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive where InterfaceType='USB'") ' For Each SingleDiskDrive In AllDiskDrives counter = counter + 1 query = "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='" + SingleDiskDrive.DeviceID + "'} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPar

Kerio Control 7.4.2 Modding

Change Client Login Logo X:\Program Files\Kerio\WinRoute Firewall\webiface\weblib\int\login\control\ Change Admin Login   Logo X:\Program Files\Kerio\WinRoute Firewall\webadmin\weblib\int\login\control\ Change Graph C o l o r X:\Program Files\Kerio\WinRoute Firewall\webadmin\graph\widgets\BaseChart.js [ ' #00A1E1 ', ' #E73A27 ', ' #82B800 ', ' #F77C0F ', ' #CE64A3 ', ' #6E237C ', ' #61C899 ' ] Hide Client Page x:\Program Files\Kerio\WinRoute Firewall\webiface\templates\ Hide web retriction stats client page Hide web retriction stats client page Show Quota Only Client Page Text X:\Program Files\Kerio\WinRoute Firewall\weblang\webiface\en.def Admin Dashboard Text X:\Program Files\Kerio\WinRoute Firewall\webadmin\mainLayout.js X:\Program Files\Kerio\WinRoute Firewall\webadmin\dashboard\dashboardList.js

Kerio Control Problem with default Gateway

Open Kerio Admin Check Duplicate Routing Table> Interface Open cmd type route delete x.x.x.x  <- duplicate

Kerio Control Fix Slow Web Loading

Disable  Logs : Http Filter Web

Kerio Fix Other Game Blocking

Disable Intrusion Prevention

Kerio Virtual Box + AMD Processor fix

solution 1: use virtual box 4.3.28 version or lower solution 2: set OS settings - Linux 2.4 64-bit